Jun 15

June Star Parties in Kanab!

Kanab’s nonprofit Stellar Vista Observatory (SVO) has scheduled four occasions during the month of June, 2024, in its ongoing series of free public star parties and solar science observing opportunities. SVO’s June programs will enable residents and visitors in southern Utah to witness, through the eyepiece of its telescopes, the stunning beauty of the night […]

Feb 24

March 2024 Free Public Star Parties

Through its monthly public star party series, Kanab, Utah’s nonprofit Stellar Vista Observatory (SVO) provides observational experiences for people to enjoy, appreciate and comprehend what we can see in the exceptionally starry skies of southern Utah. For the month of March, two public star parties are planned. Kanab Library will host the first while Coral […]

Dec 5

SVO to finish its 2023 series of Monthly Star Parties during Geminids Meteor Shower!

Wednesday, December 13, 2023, is a special night for stargazing. That’s because its the best night to observe the Geminids Meteor Shower! Kanab’s nonprofit Stellar Vista Observatory will facilitate a memorable night sky experience by hosting our last free monthly public star party in our 2023 series from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm. During that […]

Nov 7

Tribute to John Mosley

Weekly Sky Reports authored by John Mosley and distributed by Kanab’s Stellar Vista Observatory (SVO) for better than three years have provided a fascinating look forward for sky watchers throughout southern Utah as well as northern and central Arizona. Through his affiliation with SVO and beginning in April, 2020, authoritative weekly descriptions of the most […]

Oct 21

Sky Report: October 23 – 29

The southern half of the sky at Venus-rise on the 29th. The moon and Jupiter are just over 3° apart. The week begins with a wonderful conjunction – and conjunctions are always fun. As the sky is getting dark, look for the nearly-full moon a third of the way up the southwestern sky. On the […]

Oct 14

Sky Report: October 16 – 22

Image of Copernicus Crater, courtesy NASA Last week all eyes were on the sun. This is a good week to look at the moon. The first thing you’ll see is billions of craters, sights of impacts of asteroids and comets from the sky which blast out huge basins. The craters were formed when comets and […]

Sep 24

Sky Report: September 25 – October 1, 2023

This week we’re back to the planets. If you’re up before the sky gets too bright with the approaching dawn you can’t fail to marvel at Venus, the brilliant “morning star” well up in the east. Venus rises 3-1/3 hours before the sun so you can see it against a fully dark sky and then […]