2024 was an excellent year! Thanks to all who participated and supported. Please enjoy the Year in Review document below, and share it with anyone you think might be interested!
Stellar Vista Observatory (SVO) , a 501c3 nonprofit organization based in Kanab and the Kane County Water Conservancy District (KCWCD) are pleased to announce an agreement to guide the creation of an educational astronomical observatory for public enjoyment of southern Utah’s star-filled skies at the Conservancy’s Jackson Flat Reservoir property. The vision for creating an […]
On Monday, October 14th, Stellar Vista Observatory (SVO) hosted a comet viewing party at Jackson Flat Reservoir, drawing an enthusiastic crowd of about 50 locals and visitors. Attendees were treated to a spectacular view of comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan/ATLAS, a rare sight that won’t grace our skies again for another 80,000 years. If you haven’t […]
By Rich Csenge Stellar Vista Observatory (SVO) will host a free public observing opportunity to view the bright Comet A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (C/2023 A3) through telescopes and binoculars on Monday, October 14, about an hour after sunset, beginning at 7:45 pm, MDT, at the Jackson Flat Reservoir boat launch parking area. On this night A3 will […]
By Kat Troche, NASA Night Sky Network,Eric Sims, Stellar Vista Observatory Did you know there are more than 200 moons in our Solar System? Most of them orbit Jupiter and Saturn. Both Jupiter and Saturn are visible this September, along with several of their moons. Saturn rises around 9pm, and Jupiter rises around midnight. Come […]
August is an exciting month for stargazing because it brings the peak of the Perseid meteor shower! Stellar Vista Observatory (SVO) is so excited for it that we have added another star party to our calendar on Sunday, August 11th at 9:15pm at the Nomad Cafe, just north of Kanab on Highway 89. Come for […]
In August, we will be treated to an amazing spectacle: the Perseid meteor shower. This dazzling display happens when Earth travels through the debris left by Comet Swift-Tuttle. As these particles enter our atmosphere, they burn up, creating bright streaks of light. I used to wonder how astronomers could predict the peak date and time […]
Kanab’s nonprofit Stellar Vista Observatory (SVO) has scheduled four occasions during the month of June, 2024, in its ongoing series of free public star parties and solar science observing opportunities. SVO’s June programs will enable residents and visitors in southern Utah to witness, through the eyepiece of its telescopes, the stunning beauty of the night […]
On Monday morning, April 8, a solar eclipse will be visible throughout the continental United States. The path of totality will traverse 12 states from Texas to Maine. While so-called “totality” for this eclipse cannot be observed from Utah, the celestial event will be quite exciting for Utahns nonetheless, as the shadow of our Moon […]
Through its monthly public star party series, Kanab, Utah’s nonprofit Stellar Vista Observatory (SVO) provides observational experiences for people to enjoy, appreciate and comprehend what we can see in the exceptionally starry skies of southern Utah. For the month of March, two public star parties are planned. Kanab Library will host the first while Coral […]