Through its monthly public star party series, Kanab, Utah’s nonprofit Stellar Vista Observatory (SVO) provides observational experiences for people to enjoy, appreciate and comprehend what we can see in the exceptionally starry skies of southern Utah. For the month of March, two public star parties are planned. Kanab Library will host the first while Coral […]
Wednesday, December 13, 2023, is a special night for stargazing. That’s because its the best night to observe the Geminids Meteor Shower! Kanab’s nonprofit Stellar Vista Observatory will facilitate a memorable night sky experience by hosting our last free monthly public star party in our 2023 series from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm. During that […]

Weekly Sky Reports authored by John Mosley and distributed by Kanab’s Stellar Vista Observatory (SVO) for better than three years have provided a fascinating look forward for sky watchers throughout southern Utah as well as northern and central Arizona. Through his affiliation with SVO and beginning in April, 2020, authoritative weekly descriptions of the most […]
This week on September 15, 16 and 17, the National Park Service, in collaboration with community partners, invites everyone to experience the wonders of the stars at a wide range of activities in southwest Utah’s Washington, Kane and Iron Counties. Participating agencies, communities and organizations include Cedar Breaks National Monument, Zion National Park, Utah Department […]
At this month’s free public star party, compliments of Kanab’s Stellar Vista Observatory, grandparents are invited to bring their grandchildren to Kanab City Library for a laser guided tour of the late summer constellations and a look at the stars, star clusters and even a few nebulae deep in our Milky Way galaxy! For this […]
By design, Stellar Vista Observatory’s free monthly public star party in Kanab, scheduled for Saturday, August, 12, coincides with the peak of the 2023 Perseid Meteor Shower! With our moon only 10% illuminated and setting at 6:36 pm, natural darkness will favor the excitement of witnessing “falling stars.” If conditions are clear, one could expect […]
Friday evening, July 21, treat yourself to the exhilarating experience of looking deep into space at the planets, moon and stars. Each month of the year Kanab’s nonprofit Stellar Vista Observatory (SVO) hosts a free star party for public enjoyment and appreciation of the night sky. Now that mid-summer is here and nights are warm […]
Free public star parties are held monthly throughout the year in Kanab, courtesy of the local nonprofit Stellar Vista Observatory. Residents and visitors are invited to experience the stars and bring forth the spirit of wonder as to how it all came to be and where humanity might comprehend itself within the immense and majestic […]
Between April 15 and 22, people around the world who recognize the many values of natural darkness will participate in an annual worldwide event. According the the International Dark Sky Association (IDA), home lighting assessments, activities for kids and families, actions to protect the night sky by reducing light pollution and star parties are just […]